Educating a Generation of


Reading Writing Reasoning and Relating skills for children










Hi I’m Urmila to the teachers I train – or Miss U – to the kids who know me through my Creative Writing classes. I wear two hats- teacher and teacher trainer.

I’ve had a lot of fun teaching mainly in South Bombay schools like Alexandra, Queen Mary’s, J B Petit, Bombay International and Cathedral and the Aga Khan Schools- among others  since 1981 and Kodaikanal International School. I’ve taught many hundreds of “monkeys” – as I like to  affectionately call my students – over the years and now their little and big “monkeys” come to learn Writing from me. (Now you can guess how old I am!)

I hold an MA in English Literature, a B. Ed from Bombay University and an M. Ed from the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK , where I studied on a Commonwealth scholarship (1995-96). (As you can see, I have been quite a studious owl myself.)

I LOVE English and all languages, and helping kids discover that writing can be a lot of fun.

Teaching kids to feel confident and to care for each other using Circle Time is something I also feel happy doing. I trained for that and completed a pilot study of Circle Time in four Bombay schools – under Jenny Mosley at Bristol University in 1998. Since 1999, I’ve trained teachers in Circle Time strategies through workshops in Bombay, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai and Punjab. I was a trainer with the WATIS (Wipro Applying Thought in Schools) programme in Bangalore too and trained teachers in the area in over 50 schools all over the country and participated in and read papers at various national and international seminars.

I offer my Circle Time consultancy to schools in the area through The Fourth R Training and Resources – as the fourth R – Relationships/ Emotional Intelligence – is a much neglected area in our schools today. I’ve also just started some work with street kids in this field.

The thing that keeps me going daily though, are year -long Creative Writing classes at my centre for children aged 7-14. I conduct holiday workshops as well – happy ones where we chatter and laugh – and also by the way – do some writing work.

Our Writing classes are mostly cheerful but sometimes though, I do growl and snarl and then I am not such a pleasant person – more of an ogress or a Cruella De Ville who gives homework and insists on corrections – but then all teachers are this sometimes, (right kids?!)

That’s enough about me.

Enjoy the kids’ work!

Parents’ and Students’ Testimonials

ANSHI NANAVATI, STD 9, Cathedral and John Connon

Creative Writing classes with Miss Urmila have always been one of those classes that I look forward to in a week. Other than simply being a lovely teacher, she connects with her students, which adds so much more value to her teaching. She is considerate about the work load that students have nowadays, and is always flexible to help them out. She adds the “creative” element to her classes in every way.

Miss Urmila can easily become a kid with the younger batches, and can also carry a serious, and mature conversation with the elder batches. The way she teaches and gives perspective to every topic, has increased the retention span of the matter taught and has really helped enhance my writing skills.

Krishang Kapadia, Grade 7

When i started creative writing classes with miss Urmilla, i knew that i had not only met an amazing teacher, but also a lovely friend. Her assistance and guidance in creative writing has not only drastically improved my writing skills but it has made me so confident about them that I’m even planing to write a book, as a mere teenager!!

Thank you so much Urmilla miss, wishing you luck on influencing several young minds like mine!

Amrita Gaggar, Cathedral and John Connon School,Class 10

Creative Writing classes with Miss Urmila were something that I looked forward to every week. She opened up an entire universe for me by introducing me to writing and honing my literary skills to such a high level that I can jot down a story or piece at any time. She deserves all the credit for all the writing competitions I have won and the essays that my school teachers seem to fall in love with. She makes learning easy and fun with her quirky tips, tricks and tools (also horrible handwriting!) which I still remember after so many years. Thanks to Miss Urmila I am an avid reader and an excellent writer. Highly recommended. 5 stars!

Pranit Vig, Cathedral and John Connon School ISC, Mumbai

Miss Urmila’s Creative Writing classes when I was in Middle School, shaped my creative flow and played a major role in sculpting my expression through words. Her approach is extremely kind and patient, and she is extremely open and welcoming. Her techniques are exceptionally effective and can completely elevate one’s English Writing Skills to another level. I cannot overstate her importance in my life as a mentor figure. I was encouraged to write my own short stories and even publish a few

Prakriti Panwar, Rising Sophomore, Ithaca College, New York.

I loved attending Miss U’s Creative Writing classes! I specifically focused on short story writing and attended her sessions when I was in grade 8 and 9. All her reading and writing activities were very engaging and never felt like “homework.” Miss U always gave specific and concrete feedback on my work, which immensely helped me improve. The material that she gave is extremely helpful even now, in college. My writing improved holistically and Miss U was always there to guide me!

Mrs Prajapati, India

My daughter (Simran Prajapati) who did a Response to Art – Art Appreciation cum Creative Writing workshop with you  in 2018-  has taken advanced level Art History in her 11th grade in USA. While discussing the options, we remembered the workshop she did with you. She thinks it was the best workshop she ever did in India. Thank you very much and hope you continue your encouragement to kids to learn art. All the best.



Lamiyah Papar (USA), (Ex Student's Mother)

Mrs Ruchika Sabherwal, Dubai. (ex student)

Ms Urmila has helped my boys gain confidence in their writing at the IB High School level in both Language and Literature. She has been able to demystify the writing process and break it down into smaller skills. Her rigour and discipline in correcting their work has helped them master the techniques around analytical writing. 
Thank you Ms Urmila for all your work and efforts with them.

Avani Poornanand, Srishti Institute of Design.

I attended Miss U’s classes when I was in middle school and it helped me immensely in my writing. It is only because of her that I find so much joy in writing and I would love to pursue it further!

A South Bombay Parent

“A big thank you for getting Sumer’s writing skills to this level. He has enjoyed the class and greatly benefited from your guidance and is definitely more confident about his writing – which has reflected in his grades as well!”. 


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